What Questions To Ask A Divorce Attorney? 10 Questions To Ask A Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is one of the most stressful and life-changing events that anyone can go through. It can affect your finances, your emotions, your children, and your future.

That’s why it’s crucial to find a divorce lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and protect your best interests.

But how do you know which divorce lawyer is right for you?

How do you find someone who has the experience, the skills, and the personality that match your needs and expectations?

How do you avoid hiring someone who will overcharge you, ignore you, or make mistakes that will cost you later?

an image of a person asking a lawyer questions
Asking Attorney questions [PHOTO COURTESY OF FAMILY LAW]

1. How long have you been practicing divorce law and what percentage of your cases are divorce-related?

This question will help you gauge the lawyer’s level of experience and expertise in divorce law.

You want someone who has handled many divorce cases similar to yours and who knows the laws and procedures of your state.

You also want someone who specializes in divorce law and not someone who does it as a side gig.

2. What is your approach or philosophy to handling divorce cases?

This question will help you understand the lawyer’s style and strategy for handling divorce cases.

Some lawyers are more aggressive and litigious, while others are more cooperative and collaborative.

Some lawyers prefer to settle cases out of court, while others are ready to go to trial if necessary.

AN image of an attorney and client exchanging papers
Attorney and Client Exchanging documents [PHOTO COURTYESY OF BERLIN]
Some lawyers focus on the legal aspects of divorce, while others also consider the emotional and personal factors.

You want to find a lawyer who shares your goals and values and who can adapt to your situation.

You also want to find a lawyer who can communicate with you effectively and respectfully.

3. How much do you charge and how do you bill your clients?

This question will help you determine the cost of hiring the lawyer and how they expect to be paid.

You should ask about their hourly rate, their retainer fee, their payment methods, their billing frequency, and their estimate of the total cost of your case.

You should also ask about any additional fees or expenses that may arise, such as court fees, filing fees, expert fees, travel fees, etc.

You want to find a lawyer who is transparent and honest about their fees and who can provide you with a written fee agreement.

You also want to find a lawyer who is affordable and reasonable for your budget.

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 4. Who else will be working on my case and what are their qualifications?

This question will help you identify the other people who will be involved in your case and what role they will play.

Some lawyers work alone, while others work with a team of paralegals, associates, clerks, or other professionals.

You should ask about their names, their credentials, their responsibilities, and their rates.

5. How often will you communicate with me and how can I reach you?

This question will help you establish the frequency and mode of communication between you and the lawyer.

You want to find a lawyer who is accessible and responsive to your questions and concerns.

You also want to find a lawyer who keeps you updated on the status of your case.

6. What are the possible outcomes of my case and what are the risks and benefits of each option?

This question will help you evaluate the potential results of your case and the pros and cons of each scenario.

You should ask about the likely outcome of your case if it goes to trial or if it settles out of court.

Image of a person asking an attorney questions
Asking attorney questions [PHOTO COURTESY OF FAMILY LAW]
You should also ask about the factors that may affect the outcome of your case, such as the law, the evidence, the judge, the jury, etc.

You want to find a lawyer who can give you a realistic assessment of your case and who can explain the legal implications of each option.

You also want to find a lawyer who can advise you on the best course of action for your situation.

 7. How do you handle disputes over child custody, child support, alimony, or property division?

This question will help you understand the lawyer’s approach and experience in dealing with the most common and contentious issues in divorce cases.

You should ask about their familiarity with the laws and guidelines of your state regarding these issues.

Ask about their strategies and techniques for negotiating, mediating, or litigating these issues.

How do you handle cases that involve domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health, or other special circumstances?

This question will help you determine the lawyer’s competence and sensitivity in handling cases that involve complex or sensitive issues.

You should ask about their training and experience in dealing with these issues.

You should also ask about their resources and referrals for helping you cope with these issues.

You want to find a lawyer who can handle your case with professionalism and compassion and who can provide you with the appropriate support and guidance.

You also want to find a lawyer who can ensure your safety and well-being throughout the process.

9. What are some of the common mistakes or pitfalls that people make during divorce and how can I avoid them?

This question will help you learn from the lawyer’s insights and observations from their previous cases.

You should ask about the dos and don’ts of divorce and how to avoid making costly.

10. How do you measure your success and satisfaction as a divorce lawyer?

This question will help you get a sense of the lawyer’s personality and values as a divorce lawyer.

You should ask about their goals and motivations for practicing divorce law.

You should also ask about their achievements and challenges as a divorce lawyer.


Choosing the right divorce lawyer is one of the most important decisions you will make during your divorce.

By asking these 10 questions, you can find a divorce lawyer who is qualified, experienced, trustworthy, compatible, and affordable for your case.

You can also find a divorce lawyer who can make your divorce process easier, faster, and less stressful for you.



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