What Questions To Ask An Attorney About Divorce? A Comprehensive Guide

Divorce is a complex and stressful process that involves many legal, financial, and emotional issues.

If you are considering getting a divorce, or if you have already decided to end your marriage, you may need the help of a professional divorce attorney to protect your rights and interests.

However, not all divorce attorneys are the same, and you need to find the one that suits your needs and expectations.

To do that, you need to ask the right questions during your initial consultation with a potential divorce attorney.

Here are some of the most important questions to ask an attorney about divorce:

A divorcing wife asking an attorney questions
Asking attorney questions [PHOTO COURTESY OFWORTHY’S BLOG]

Questions About the Divorce Process and Their Background Experience

How much experience do you have in divorce and is it your specialty?

You want to hire an attorney who has extensive knowledge and experience in handling divorce cases, especially in the state where you are filing for divorce.

You also want to know if divorce is their main area of practice, or if they handle other types of cases as well.

What is the divorce process like?

You need to understand the steps and procedures involved in getting a divorce.

You also need to know how long the process will take, how much it will cost, and what you can expect along the way.

How do you think the judge will rule in my divorce case?

If your divorce case goes to court, you want to have an idea of how the judge will decide on the issues that matter to you.

You want an attorney who can give you a realistic assessment of your chances of success based on their experience and knowledge of the law and the local courts.

How long do you think my divorce case will last?

The duration of your divorce case will depend on many factors, such as the complexity of your situation.

You want an attorney who can give you an estimate of how long your case will take based on their previous cases and current caseload.

What type of divorce case is it?

There are different types of divorce cases, such as at-fault or no-fault.

You need to know what type of divorce case applies to your situation.

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Questions About the Total Costs of Divorce

How do you charge for your services?

You need to know how much your attorney will charge you for their services and how they will bill you.

Some attorneys charge by the hour, while others charge a flat fee or a retainer.

You also need to know what expenses are included in their fees and what are not.

Consulting with a divorce attorney
Consulting with a divorce attorney [PHOTO COURTESY OF BLOG WORTHY]

 How can I reduce the costs of my divorce?

Divorce can be expensive, but there may be ways to reduce the costs by minimizing the conflict.

You want an attorney who can advise you on how to save money on your divorce without compromising your rights and interests.

How do you handle payment?

You need to know when and how your attorney expects you to pay for their services.

Some attorneys require a deposit or a retainer upfront, while others bill you monthly or at the end of the case.

You also need to know what payment methods they accept and what are their policies on late payments or refunds.

Questions About Your Specific Divorce Issues

How will our property be divided?

You need to know how your marital property will be divided in your divorce according to the laws of your state.

Some states follow the community property rule, which means that all property acquired during the marriage is equally divided.

While others follow the equitable distribution rule, which means that property is divided fairly but not necessarily equally.

You also need to know what factors will affect the property division, such as the length of the marriage.

How will child custody be determined?

You need to know how child custody will be determined in your divorce according to the best interests of the child standard.

This means that the court will consider various factors, such as the age and needs of the child.

You also need to know what types of custody arrangements are possible, such as sole or joint legal custody, sole.

How will child support be calculated?

You need to know how child support will be paid.

What are the questions a divorce attorney will ask you?

What is the reason for your divorce?

A divorce lawyer will want to know the grounds for your divorce, such as adultery, cruelty, desertion, irreconcilable differences, etc.

This will help them determine the type of divorce case you have and the legal strategy they will use.

How long have you been married and where do you live?

A divorce lawyer will need to know the duration of your marriage and your current residence to establish the jurisdiction.

Different states have different laws and requirements for divorce, such as residency, waiting periods, separation.

Do you have any children and what are their ages?

A divorce lawyer will need to know if you have any minor or dependent children.

They will also ask about the relationship and bond between you and your children and between your children and your spouse.

What are your assets and debts?

A divorce lawyer will need to know the details of your financial situation.

This will help them assess the value of your marital estate and how it should be divided equitably between you and your spouse.


Divorce is a complex and stressful process that involves many legal, financial, and emotional issues.

If you are considering getting a divorce, or if you have already decided to end your marriage, you may need the help of a professional divorce attorney to protect your rights and interests.

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